Тексты и переводы песен исполнителя Behemoth
The Sermon to the Hypocrites
BehemothThe Past Is Like Funeral
BehemothSpellcraft & Heathendom
BehemothSatan's Sword (I Have Become)
BehemothRising Proudly Towards the Sky
BehemothLasy Pomorza
BehemothHidden in a Fog
BehemothHeru Ra Ha: Let There Be Might
BehemothHell Dwells in Ice
BehemothHekau 718
BehemothFrom the Pagan Vastlands
BehemothFornicatus Benefictus
BehemothForgotten Cult of Aldaron
BehemothEntering the Faustian Soul
BehemothDriven by the Five-Winged Star
BehemothDragon's Lair (Cosmic Flames And Four Barbaric Seasons)
BehemothDecade of Therion
BehemothChwała Mordercom Wojciecha (997-1997 Dziesięć Wieków Hańby)
BehemothChristians to the Lions
BehemothChant of the Eastern Lands
BehemothChant for ΕΣΧΑΤΟΝ 2000
BehemothCeremony of Shiva
BehemothBlackest Ov the Black
BehemothAs above So Below
BehemothAntichristian Phenomenon
Behemoth23 (The Youth Manifesto)